When can I have AT?

Art therapy:

• can reduce symptoms of a specific disease or disorder (for example, reduces depression, anxiety, etc).

• by using the principles of supportive therapy AT helps to overcome traumatic experiences, as well as reduces consequences of a specific disease, disorder or presenting difficulty.

AT is recommended:

* during rehabilitation

* in the case of mental, physical or psychosomatically difficulties;

* in the case of psychological, social, and emotional difficulties;

* and in situations when one doesn’t necessarily have any difficulties, but one’s goal is a creative-expression and personal growth.

AT can be suitable for people with:

• emotional disorders

• behavioural problems

• eating disorders

• learning disabilities

• stress-related, neurotic disorders

• sensory and physical disorders

• mental disorders.

In AT one can:

• develop fine motor skills, perception, attention, and thinking;

• learn to analyze situations, make decisions, and solve problems

• learn to regulate emotions, cope with stress

• improve communication skills

• work with issues regarding self-awareness

• learn to plan and organize one’s activities and time

• creative!